

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Time and chance for all

When the sun rises from the East, it shines on everybody. Rain falls without choosing whose field will benefit. All fields in a particular area receive rain regardless of the owner. Similarly, time and opportunities happen to all. Differences happen in terms of achievement because of how each individual makes choices and uses the time he has on earth. Ecclesiastes 9;11 reads:..”The race is not for the swift or the battle for the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned but time and chance happen to them all.” The wise author goes on to encourage people to work hard in Ecclesiastes 9;10; “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might…” Those who use their time and chance wisely will prosper. Those who do not value their chance and time will not know success. They are the losers you see in the streets daily. Time and chance happen to all. The choice to be a winner is yours.

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