

Sunday 29 December 2013

Forgiving heals,ill-will kills

“Resentment is like drinking poison, hoping your enemy will die”,said Nelson Mandela. One politician revealed in a television interview that he held no grudge against anyone due to feared that his hatred would ‘eat him inside to death’. “…you must make sure to control the anger and not let it control you…If you lose maintain control, you win, but if you lose control, you lose",observes Willie Jolley. How do you lose as a result of ill-will? “If the negative thoughts …remain constant...hormonal reactions generate chronic strain on the organs and physical systems. We can experience many health conditions like muscle tension, headaches, poor sleep and fatigue, poor digestion, weight gain, high blood pressure and circulation problems, poor breathing patterns and organ dysfunction like diabetes”, mused Anu Sehgal. It is clear that ill-will is detrimental to health. You could suffer from any of the health conditions mentioned above. Ultimately, you could die as a result of just that individual you resent. You could die simply due to some workmate you do not greet as a result of your jealous or hatred. But because of God’s everlasting love, he gave us the rules to follow to avoid falling into ill-will and its deadly consequences in Luke 6v27-32: “But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who ill-treat you…Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Remember that forgiveness heals, but ill-will kills. If you are jealous, hate or hold a grudge against anybody, those negative emotions are quietly chewing you to your probable early grave. The choice is yours!

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