

Sunday 22 December 2013

Don't worry,be happy

Singer Bobby McFerrin sang, “Don’t worry, be happy”. What he meant was you can choose to be happy through positive thinking. The bible in psalms 37verse1 also warns against worry. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale observes: “You do not need to be a victim of worry…you were not born with the worry habit. You acquired it. And because you can change any habit or acquired attitude, you can cast worry from your mind…The worrier, it seems, is not likely to live as long as the person who learns to overcome worries.” Worry is detrimental to your health. If you are its victim, it is high time you wrestled yourself free of the dangerous habit. You only need to do one thing; choose. Choose to be happy! One psychologist observes, “Worry is the most subtle and destructive of all human diseases.” Here is a poem on the devastating habit. Why Worry There are only two things to worry about; Either you are well or you are sick. If you are well, there is nothing to worry about. If you are sick, there are two things to worry about; Either you will get well or you will die. If you get well, there is nothing to worry about. If you die, there are only two things to worry about; Either you will go to heaven or you will go to hell. If you go to heaven there is nothing to worry about. If you go to hell, well…why worry now! It‘s too late! ---author unknown Remember Bobby McFerrin’s song, “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.”

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